We offer text translations in all European and non-European languages. Our translators are highly-experienced professionals, which guarantees error-free translations of the highest quality.
We perform translations of specialist texts from any field, e.g. law, commerce, economics, business, finance, accountancy, banking, marketing, advertising and public relations, chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, technology, IT, civil engineering, and many others.
Texts can be sent to us via electronic mail, by fax, by traditional post, by courier mail, or they can be delivered in person. Translated texts are sent back to the customer via e-mail or fax, or they can be provided in printed form, as files saved on a CD, or a different medium.
We accept orders for standard and specialist translations in one of the following modes:
Contact us to get more information: pisemne@language-link.pl.
Language Link Translation Agency
E-mail: office@language-link.pl
For translation of texts please write to:
For interpretations please write to:
For conference services and equipment rentals please write to:
ul. Lea 64, 30-058 Kraków
Our office is open from Monday to Friday 9:00a.m. – 5:00p.m.
Bank account number: PL19 1440 1185 0000 0000 1600 1031,
Swift code: BPKOPLPW
NIP (VAT no.): PL945-196-53-59
REGON No. (National Official Register of Business Entities): 120523222