Our Team

Language Link is where people with passion meet — people who think nothing is impossible. Our company collaborates with around 400 specialists in customer service, translation, proofreading, technical service of conferences, marketing, graphic design or accounting. Our staff always meet the demands of our clients. Attention is paid to top quality customer service and is based on more than ten years of experience and thousands of projects completed.


The team is comprised of competent translators who not only have mastered foreign languages but also have extensive knowledge in the field in which they translate. We cooperate with experienced linguists and specialists in different areas (e.g. economists, lawyers, doctors, IT specialists, etc.) who are fluent in foreign languages, including sworn translators and native speakers.

We try to select the best specialists who are skilled at using the appropriate terminology and are characterised by their precision, accuracy, diligence and linguistic intuition. We give you our guarantee that your order will be executed by the best of the best and you will receive a perfect translation.


When you visit our office, you will meet the following people:

Dorota PluteckaDorota Plutecka
Dorota Plutecka

Dorota is the brain of our company — founder and owner of Language Link, and sworn translator of English and Polish. She is responsible for management and business development. Her motivation and perseverance help the team strive to offer the very best.


A realist and optimist with a slight inclination towards perfectionism. ;)


Privately, she is passionate about portrait photography. In her spare time, she travels a lot and is also interested in psychology and movies.

Aneta BagińskaAneta Bagińska
Aneta Bagińska

Aneta is responsible for customer service in all respects — in person, via e-mail and telephone. She coordinates translation projects and always serves clients with the highest respect and courtesy.

She is an open-minded person with a positive attitude to the people and the world around her. She is a true optimist who has a great sense of humour while appreciating it in others.

Aneta likes reading, solving crossword puzzles and spending her free time in an active way, for example, at the gym. She also tries to be up to speed with the repertoire of Krakow cinemas and theatres.

Katarzyna MartynaKatarzyna Martyna
Katarzyna Martyna

Kasię spotkacie podczas zlecania tłumaczeń pisemnych oraz ustnych. Chętnie odpowie na wszelkie pytania.


Kontakt z ludźmi dodaje jej energii. Dostrzega pozytywne aspekty każdej sytuacji.


Studentka, wielbicielka książek, gier planszowych oraz sudoku.

Are you interested in our services?
Contact us

Language Link Translation Agency


+48 12 341 55 76,

+48 722 101 120,

+48 533 324 624,

+48 504 974 384




For translation of texts please write to:

For interpretations please write to:

For conference services and equipment rentals please write to:


ul. Lea 64, 30-058 Kraków

Our office is open from Monday to Friday 9:00a.m. – 5:00p.m.

Bank account number: PL19 1440 1185 0000 0000 1600 1031,
Swift code: BPKOPLPW

NIP (VAT no.): PL945-196-53-59

REGON No. (National Official Register of Business Entities): 120523222

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